Shaheed Bhai Manjit Singh Meeta

Khalistan Commando Force


“Har Ik Kanday Te Gulab Jamda Hai,

Jad Loka De Hakka Te Pein Shaapay,

Tan Fir AK Santhalee Di Goli Ton Inqlaab Jamda Hai.”


Sikhs have always defeated oppression and the oppressors, may it be Aurangzeb or may it be Indira Gandhi. The Sikhs are known to never back down from a fight against evil. Whoever has tried to make the Sikh panth extinct, have become extinct themselves. Shaheed Bhai Manjit Singh Meeta was born on 15th April 1960 in the village of Fullewal, district Kapurthala, in the house of Sardar Gurcharan Singh and from the womb of Mata Harbans Kaur.

Bhai Sahib was born in the family of farmers and Bhai Sahib himself had a great interest in farming too. Bhai Sahib completed his primary education at a government school in Lakhan Kalan and then went onto study and pass his 10th class at a school in Kapurthala. After passing 10th class Bhai Sahib joined his father and did farming in his farms. Bhai Sahib took Amrit from the Panj Pyare in March 1984, when All India Sikh Student Federation organised an Amrit Sanchar at Nawab Jassa Singh Ahluwalia College in Kandhir.

Bhai Sahib was very brave and at the same time he had great sense of humour. Bhai Sahib also kept an interest in the Sikh Freedom Movement and slowly started getting involved himself into small actions. Soon Bhai Sahib came in contact with top Khadku Singhs and they would come visit Bhai Sahib at home. Bhai Sahib was close to Bhai Gurdev Singh Debu of Dhirpur and Bhai Sohan Singh Soni of Dyalpur. The Punjab police arrested Bhai Sahib many times and every time Bhai Sahib was brutally tortured. Later the Punjab police arrested Bhai Gurdev Singh Debu and made him shaheed via inhuman methods of torture. Shaheed Bhai Gurdev Singh Debu was boiled alive and upon seeing this condition of Bhai Debu’s shaheedi saroop, Bhai Sahib made his mind up on avenging the shaheedi of singhs and announced an all-out war against the evil oppressors. Bhai Sahib picked up weapons and entered the battlefield. Bhai Sahib had joined Khalistan Commando Force and started doing actions.


Bhai Sahib use to say, “I will not come into the hands of the Punjab police alive, in fact I will attain shaheedi on the battlefield fighting the Indian security forces.” In his Khadku life, Bhai Sahib punished many enemies of the Sikh panth. Bhai Daljit Singh Bhikhi, Bhai Surjan Singh, Bhai Gurmukh Singh, Bhai Charanjit Singh Channa and Bhai Makhan Singh were some of the singhs that Bhai Sahib had done actions with. Together these singhs bought justice to families who had lost their innocent sons and daughters to corrupt police officers. Bhai Sahib never did actions to settle his personal differences with others and for this reason Bhai Sahib was highly respected by the local public.

Bhai Sahib had installed fear into the hearts of Punjab police, CRPF and BSF. The Indian security forces would try their best to avid encounters which mentions of Bhai Sahib’s name. Soon the Punjab police started targeting Bhai Sahib’s family and arrested Bhai Sahib’s father, brother and close relatives. All the family members were blindly tortured and kept at local police stations for a long while. But Bhai Sahib had left all the worldly relations to concentrate on the battlefield and attain shaheedi for the Sikh panth. Bhai Sahib remained in Chardi Kala and continued to do top actions within the Sikh Freedom Movement.

In the end the day came which every Khadku Singh eagerly awaits. Every true Khadku Singh wants to see their name amongst the warrior martyrs of the Sikh panth. Bhai Sahib and 5 fellow singhs were waiting at a location before going on a mission. An informant had given the Punjab police the information of the location of the singhs. Within a short period of time, thousands of Indian security force officers equipped with top range of weapons had surrounded all 6 singhs. Soon as the singhs found out that they had been surrounded by officers of Punjab police, CRPF and BSF, they did not give up their courage and got into positions with the assault rifles. The singhs had a lot of ammunition and for this reason they continued to battle for many hours. The singhs were slaying the Indian security forces and later all singhs attained shaheedi shouting war cries of “Bole SO Nihal Sat Sri Akaal.”

Awaze Qaum – 16th December 1992