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Shaheed Bhai Ajaib Singh Mahakal

Bidhi Chand Dal

The Indian government tried their best to stop Sikhs from asking for freedom, but the Khadku Singhs didn’t stop fighting against the oppression, no matter what the corrupt government of India tried to do. In the Sikh history millions of true saint soldiers have given their lives for the chardikala of the Sikh panth, in that endless list of the panthic shaheeds is the name of Shaheed Bhai Ajaib Singh Mahakal, of whom not many Sikhs heard of.

Bhai Sahib was born in the house of Sardar Gurdeep Singh and from the womb of Mata Gurbachan Kaur in the village of Chola Sahib, district Amritsar. Bhai Sahib was the eldest of 7 brothers and sisters. Bhai Sahib had 4 sisters, Bibi Kashmir Kaur, Bibi Simranjit Kaur, Bibi Sukhwinder Kaur, Bibi Narinder Kaur and 2 brothers, Bhai Karnail Singh, Bhai Dalbir Singh. From a young age Bhai Sahib was involved with the Nihang Singhs of Bidhi Chand Dal, the Jathedar had given Bhai Sahib a Farla for the sewa he did at the Dal. In 1983 many Dharam Yudh Morche took place to highlight the issue of Sikh human rights, during these times the police attacked and destroyed one of the strong holds of Nihang Singhs, Baba Bakala. From then on Bhai Sahib joined the Jatha of Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bindranwale and took part in Dharam Yudh Morche.

Soon Bhai Sahib and some more singhs took revenge for the destruction of Baba Bakala. Bhai Sahib and Jatha attacked the police headquarters of Kapurthala. As well as attacking the headquarters of the police, the singhs also looted all the weapons and ammunition. Sikhs around Punjab were talking about at the local gatherings at the villages.

These days another brutal attack on an innocent Sikh, Lehar Singh took place, police inspector of Ferozpur, Bichu Ram arrested Lehar Singh for peacefully protesting and cut his beard. Bichu Ram had tied the hands of the Lehar Singh and then Bichu Ram asked him, “Where did you take amrit from?” Lehar Singh replied, “From the Jatha of Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bindranwale!” Bichu Ram did not like the answer of Lehar Singh and with scissors Bichu Ram cut the beard of the helpless Lehar Singh. Bichu Ra told Lehar Singh, “go tell your Bindranwale I did this, he can do whatever he wants to do.” Bichu Ram let the Lehar Singh go, Lehar Singh went straight to Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bindranwale and explained what had happened. Upon hearing about the cowardly act of Bichu Ram, Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bindranwale was furious. Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bindranwale told the Sikh sangat about this attack in a speech at Manji Sahib on 29thApril 1983, which could be heard all over internet today.

Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bindranwale stated in his speech:

A few days back, Sant Ji (Harchand Singh Longowal) spoke from this stage. That Singh had gone there. I was unwell and could not attend. Lehar Singh is the Singh’s name, Lehar Singh. He is from Jattanwali alias Ramnagar village in District Ferozpur, Tehsil Fazilka. One Bichu Ram of that place, this name I have heard for the first time, maybe it’s new to you too (the word literally means ‘scorpion’). This Bichhu Ram, Thanedar (Station House Officer at a Police Station) arrested this Amritdhari (formally initiated into the Sikh Faith) Sikh. What sin had he committed? The same that all of us have committed. Longowal has committed it, Jarnail Singh has committed it, and these stage secretaries have committed it. What was the sin? It was the Rasta Roko (stop the traffic) agitation. He participated in this crime (of peaceful protest). He has contributed his share to the struggle. Khalsa Ji: with his five daughters and his wife, the seven of them including himself, stopped the traffic for two and a half hours. No other man was with him. They arrested and took him away to the police station. He was asked from whom did he take Amrit. I have humbly said this on several occasions that if anyone asks such a question, you should not name any person. You should merely say: “I took Amrit from the Five Beloved Ones (of the Guru).” But many people have got into this habit. They will say: “I took Amrit from the Akalis.” Others say: “I took Amrit from Bhindranwale.” I do not know why they have started to treat these persons as different. Someone might say: “I took Amrit from Kleranwale (a group of Sikhs owing allegiance to Sant Kleranwale), or from someone else.” Amrit is taken from the Five Beloved Ones (of the Guru), not from any man. If anyone takes it from a man, it is not Amrit. Khalsa Ji: when he (Lehar Singh) mentioned the name of the Jatha (Sant Bindranwale’s group), this Amritdhari Singh’s beard was forcibly shaved off. His beard was cut and he was sent to Amritsar. They also told him: “Go and tell Bhindranwale that we have cut off your beard. He can use whatever force he can against us.” He came and told me. The matter was taken up on this stage. If, from this stage, I say something naming someone they say: “Bhindranwale has given out the name of such person, now this name has come on the ‘List’.”

After hearing about the attack on Lehar Singh, Bhai Sahib, Bhai Jarnail Singh Booh of Kapurthala and Bhai Rasal Singh Arifke of Ferozpur got ready to punish Bichu Ram for his actions against Sikhs. 7 and a half months had passed since the speech of Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bindranwale and no one had heard from Bhai Sahib, Bhai Jarnail Singh Booh and Bhai Rasal Singh Arifke. Rest of the singhs of the Jatha started to think that maybe Bhai Sahib, Bhai Jarnail Singh Booh and Bhai Rasal Singh Arifke had been caught by the police for planning to punish Bichu Ram.

18thDecember 1983, the papers published a headline that would make Sikh nation and especially Lehar Singh proud, the headlines read, “The head of Ferozpur police, Bichu Ram has been shot dead by 3 unidentified men, who later escaped on a motorcycle. The police have set up curfews all over Ferozpur.” The police could not find the 3 singhs and they then increased the curfew across Punjab. Bhai Sahib, Bhai Jarnail Singh Booh and Bhai Rasal Singh Arifke fooled all the curfews and made it safe and sound to Sri Harimandir Sahib, Amritsar back with the Jatha of Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bindranwale.

Many dhadi, kavisheri jathas wrote and sang of these 3 singhs of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, even till today when we hear these vaaran of Bhai Sahib, Bhai Jarnail Singh Booh and Bhai Rasal Singh Arifke, we feel proud on being a Sikh. Here are few words from the vaar:

“Khara Dana Mandi Vich Bichu

Singh Vikh Pe Gai Pichu

Unha Karti Dasu Dasu

Guru Har Sahai

Bichu De Sap Lar Gaya

Bichu Da Chand Charh Gaya

Bichu Ram Da Kichu Bana Ta Singh Sardara Ne”

Nishanchi Singh Bhai Ajaib Singh Mahakal was the first person to shoot Bichu Ram in the head. Bhai Sahib shot Bichu Ram from far, Bhai Sahib aimed for Bichu Ram’s head with a 303 rifle, which Bhai Sahib had looted from a police station on an earlier date. When Bichu Ram was shot in the head from Bhai Sahib’s gun, he fell onto the floor like jelly. Soon as Bichu Ram fell to the floor Bhai Rasal Singh Arifke close to Bichu Ram’s body and emptied his carbine into Bichu Ram’s stomach. Bhai Jarnail Singh Booh had the motorcycle ready for the getaway. After fully punishing Bichu Ram, all the singhs made their getaway by shouting out war cries of Bole So Nihal Sat Sri Akaal.

After punishing Bichu Ram, Bhai Sahib did many more actions with the singhs. The police started to think the Bhai Sahib was called Mahakal because he killed enemies of the Sikhs.

In June 1984 the Indian army attacked Sri Harimandir Sahib, on the day if Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s Shaheedi. Indian army struggle to get the lead in this battle against the Sikhs as the singhs had many unnoticeable bunkers all over the complex. Bhai Sahib was stationed at the bunker on the right hand side of Sri Akaal Takht Sahib, Bhai Dhira Singh Mahakal, Bhai Jarnail Singh Booh, Bhai Jaswinder Singh and Bhai Sukhdev Singh Bhattal were with Bhai Sahib at this bunker. The singhs had 6 LMG’s amongst them, all singhs faught till death except Bhai Jarnail Singh Booh, he was wounded in this battle and later arrested by the Indian army and put him in Jodhpur Jail for 5 years, when Bhai Jarnail Singh Booh was eventually released he re-joined the Sikh Freedom Movement and attained shaheedi.

Bhai Sahib attained shaheed in Sachkhand Sri Harimandir Sahib, fighting 10,000s Indian soldiers on 6thJune 1984. The sad news is that the Shromani Committee has not added Bhai Sahib’s name to the list of shaheeds of June 1984. The Family of Bhai Sahib is struggling making ends meet.

Purja Purja Kat Maray – Baljit Singh Khalsa