Shaheed Bhai Hardev Singh Jorh Singh Wala

Babbar Khalsa

In the present Sikh struggle, many Sikh warriors gave their lives and ruled the hearts of the weak and the poor. Amongst such warriors is Bhai Hardev Singh Babbar Jorh Singh Wala, who was born on the 15th January 1968 in the city of Calcutta from the womb of Mata Puran Kaur and in the house of Sardar Dharam Singh. Bhai Sahib’s father, Sardar Dharam Singh had his own transport business in Calcutta. Short while after, Sardar Dharam Singh moved to the village of Jorh Singh Wala in the Patti area and resumed his transport business here.

Bhai Sahib’s grandmother (Nanny Ji) took him to her village of Parangrhi also in the Patti area at a young age and it is here where Bhai Sahib grew up and did his studies. After this Bhai Sahib joined his father and started helping out in the transport business. At the age of 15-16 Bhai Sahib became a great driver in the transport industry. After the attack on Sri Harimandir Sahib in June 1984 by the Indian government, Bhai Sahib took the Amrit from the Panj Pyare and started adhering to the Khalsa Bana and Gurbani. In 1987, Bhai Sahib met the fearless warriors of the Sikh Freedom Movement, Jathedar Avtar Singh Brahma and Bhai Kuldeep Singh Muchal.

Bhai Sahib started doing sewa in secret while staying at home under the command of Jathedar Avtar Singh Brahma. Bhai Sahib also learnt how to ride horses and was known to be very fast on a horse. After the shaheedi of these fearless leaders of the Sikh Freedom Movement, Bhai Sahib continued to do small actions on his own. Soon Bhai Sahib came in contact of Bhai Resham Singh Makhu Babbar, after a lengthy period of discussing issues Bhai Sahib decided to join Babbar Khalsa International. Within the Babbar Khalsa Bhai Sahib did sewa with honesty, loyalty and careful consideration, he always made sure that no innocent person got involved. After the shaheedi of Bhai Resham Singh Makhu and Bhai Mahal Singh alias General Hari Singh, Bhai Sahib was given their role within the Babbar Khalsa. Bhai Sahib fulfilled this role with full responsibility and at the same time he helped the weak and the poor.

According to the newspaper reports, on 1st August 1990 at 6 o’clock in the evening a fierce encounter took place in the village of Lal Ghumana near Jhabbal. This encounter lasted 29 hours between the Indian security forces and the sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. On one side there thousands of Indian soldiers and on the other it was Bhai Sahib, Bhai Joginder Singh Bathal, Bhai Harjit Singh Babbar and one other singh. In this 29 hour long encounter Bhai Joginder Singh Bathal and Bhai Harjit Singh Babbar attained shaheedi, but Bhai Sahib who was badly wounded escaped with another singhs. Even till today this encounter is one of the fiercest battles of Khalistan.

In the end on 26th January 1991, on Saturday Bhai Sahib was arrested from the village of Lal Ghumana. Bhai Sahib was blindly tortured they Indian security forces, but Bhai Sahib never released any information on the movement or the Jhujaru Singhs. The police was very angry and the following morning on 27th January 1991, on Sunday Bhai Sahib was made shaheed in a fake encounter at 5 o’clock of the morning. The police cremated Bhai Sahib without informing the family at a cremation grounds on Tarn Taran. On 5th February 1991, an Ardas was done for the Chardi Kala of Shaheed Bhai Hardev Singh Babbar in the home village of Jorh Singh Wala. Many panthic organisations and thousands of people, Sikhs, Hindus and even Muslims whose hearts were filled with  love for Bhai Sahib attended Sri Akhand Paath Sahib Bhog.


Sant Sipahi – August 1991